VLC on Uberspace
How to build and run a VLC on an Uberspace with CentOS 6.
$ toast arm autoconf ragel cmake gettext
download the source to ~/src/vlc
$ cd ~ && mkdir -p src && cd src && git clone https://github.com/videolan/vlc && cd vlc
$ ./bootstrap
The distribution does not provide the needed libraries. We’ll use the VLC contribs system, included in the VLC source.
$ cd contrib && mkdir native && cd native && ../bootstrap
gnutls, cddb and libdvdread won’t build so we’ll disable it.
$ sed -c -i "s/\(PKGS_DISABLE *:= *\).*/\1gnutls libdvdread cddb/" config.mak
harfbuzz won’t build because the tar is not found, so we’ll grab it manually.
$ curl -o ../../contrib/tarballs/harfbuzz-0.9.19.tar.bz2 http://ftp.lfs-matrix.net/pub/blfs/conglomeration/harfbuzz/harfbuzz-0.9.19.tar.bz2
$ make
dvdread/configure is created at this point, that's why we need to try to build first.
$ nano +11836 dvdread/configure
remove line:
CC_CHECK_CFLAGS_APPEND(-Wall -Wsign-compare)
run make again, now it should build all the way through.
$ make
contrib is done now.
so back to vlc
we don’t have alsa and don’t need dvdnav stuff, breaks anyway. Chromaprint won’t compile (relocation RX8664PC32 against symbol ffcos32 can not be used when making a shared object)
$ mkdir -p "$HOME/bin" && ./configure --prefix="$HOME/bin" --enable-alsa=no --disable-dvdnav --disable-libcddb --enable-chromaprint=no
$ make && make install